+381 11 3248 577 info@camping.rs


Welcome to the Door Out Sport project! We are looking for young people who will join us in establishing new concept of practicing sport – the one which is more fun, educational, attractive and tailored to the habits of young people! And its outdoor J

Wonder how that sport looks like? It’s Door Out Sport (DOS) and by joining us you will be the first one to experience that!

If you are a young person coming from Serbia, North Macedonia or Croatia who is willing to learn about inclusion, EU values of equality and solidarity, as well as about importance of healthy lifestyle, and all that through attractive and fun sport activities, we are waiting for you at the DOS piloting event on mountain Zlatibor in Serbia from June 25 to 27 2023!

By participating in DOS piloting, you will get a unique chance to:

  • Experience new ways of practicing sport activities through interactive sports-based DOS methodologies,
  • Learn about the importance of healthy and active lifestyles through sport,
  • Get a glimpse into the world of sports-based non-formal education and how it can benefit you!
  • Meet your peers from 3 neighboring countries and exchange experiences, knowledge and opinions with them,
  • Learn how to make your community more inclusive and more environmentally friendly!

What you need to do, is to apply and come to the mountain Zlatibor in Serbia!

How to apply?

Don’t wait, apply now by filling in the application form by June 1 at 23:59 CET the latest!

Who can apply?

You are welcome to apply if you are:

  • Coming from Serbia, Croatia or North Macedonia,
  • 15-30 years old,
  • Ready to actively participate in the full duration of the event,
  • Motivated to learn more about inclusion, understanding, tolerance and other European values through sports,
  • Able to communicate in English language.


What about costs?

We are committed to covering all costs related to transportation, food and accomodation.

Need additional information?

If you have any additional question, feel free to contact us at: info@camping.rs and we will respond in shortest time!

DOS project is co-funded by the European Union.