Visual Identity
Visual identity
New Branding by CAS
It has already been two decades since the Camping Association of Serbia began shaping the map of camping tourism and educating the public in Serbia about its development possibilities.
Right from the start, through various projects, we tried to highlight the potential of camping tourism in Serbia and to create a realistic picture of its exploitation possibilities for decision-makers and the citizens of Serbia. We endeavored to inform and educate all those who had the power to make decisions contributing to the development of this significant branch of the tourism industry, all those who did not have a correct idea of what camping tourism is (or saw it as “the tourism of poor backpackers, old tents…”).
We organized a series of study visits and invested time, money, and effort in introducing decision-makers to the topic of camping tourism, with facts that support the development of this branch of the tourism industry, which in most European countries accounts for 25% of the total tourism turnover and achieves significant financial results, even in the “cold” countries in the north of Europe where there are only about 15 sunny days a year, compared to our 200-300. Through one of the projects, we educated employees in the Fruška Gora National Park with the aim of improving (a plan was created) the process of managing natural resources, developing tourist activities, and accordingly, a visitor management plan was created. Moreover, the money from the project was brought to the NP Fruška Gora, the first Eco camp at Stražilovo was created (the first eco camping standards were designed, which even the Netherlands did not have at the time) where we managed to demonstrate how the investment in the camp is not large and does not need to be, how it is possible to meet high standards of conservation and protection of nature (well, bio-purifier for feces), to the general satisfaction of camp users from all over Europe and the World.
Camping Association – introduction
We have created several tourist itineraries which European campers, individually or in groups, as camper clubs, follow today.
We tried to highlight the importance of camps as accommodation capacities on transit corridors (7 and 10) and in rural areas (supporting rural tourism) and protected natural zones, with a strong emphasis on their sustainable and ecological identity.
We have clearly defined our mission, and our love for nature and the desire to preserve it, the desire to preserve villages in Serbia, from Kelebija to Vranje, has determined our survival all these years.
Camping Association – introduction Here we are after 20 years, with some new energy and the desire to dedicate ourselves to the development of camping tourism, to develop camps even more, hoping for support, understanding, and knowledge of a niche, a sector that could be a source of income for the state, for its citizens, which is essentially sustainable both ecologically and economically, which prevents hosts in Serbia from selling their land and leaving their villages and homes.
Twenty years ago, our friend, designer, artist, a philosopher of his kind, Jovan Rocanov, designed our first sign. I wrote him a small essay at the time about our desire, our aspirations, our mission, and what we wanted to be in the future. Based on my writings, Jovan made a sign proposal. We liked it at first sight and immediately adopted it. That old Slavic Sun was an inspiration for all of us.
A few days ago, I contacted Jovan. We hadn’t been in touch for a long time, he has been living abroad for years. I found out that he is now in Berlin with his family. I told him that I would like to restyle the logo a bit because we all agreed that it is good, timeless, and just needs a “modern makeover”. Jovan was happy that I approached him with that idea and took his “baby” to work on it again. A few days later, he sent me the new logo and we talked for him to comment on everything. I didn’t utter a word while he was talking. I just said at the end: “Kudos, master!”. I asked him to write everything he told me in the shortest possible terms and post it on his LinkedIn profile, and I would take it from there, to “let everyone see”. Here I am transferring exactly that integral version.”

Belgrade, March 6th 2024
Vladimir Djumic
Camping Association of Serbia

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