About us
Welcome to the presentation of the camping sites in Serbia.
About us

Serbia, as a destination of exceptional natural features, can host campers on the banks of large and small rivers and lakes, but also in village orchards, on beautiful colorful and “edible” meadows, hills, hillsides, next to ponds and swamps, large and old forests, on sand, in the mountains. The presentation of the Camping Association of Serbia is an initiative to raise the level of awareness about the possibilities of developing sustainable camping tourism.
Vladimir Đumić, predsjednik KAS-a

Potencijala za kamping
Kampista do sada
Kamping turizam uSrbiji
Camping tourism in Serbia is still in its infancy compared to the rest of Western Europe. However, the number of camps is constantly growing, year after year, and after 8 years of existence of KAS, this increasingly popular form of travel around the world is becoming a topic in domestic tourist traffic as well. The exceptional natural camping potential of Serbia, the transit character of the country, as well as the exceptional quality of hospitality and housekeeping in this area, are excellent prerequisites for the perfect development of this branch of the tourism industry and a model of environmental preservation for generations to come. In our brochure and at the address www.camping.rs, we present 42 camps in three forms of camping: camp, camping rest area and campsite.
Camps of smaller capacity in rural households proved to be a good and sustainable concept that also represents a special tourist product that connects several basic features of Serbia as a destination: – Exceptional landscape – preserved nature – sound and light free space – integrated visually into the ambient whole – does not threaten the environment – low financial investments – a sustainable financial concept of integral development that drives local economic development – healthy and organically clean food and wine – an attractive space for naturalists and adventurers
Camps of smaller capacity in rural households proved to be a good and sustainable concept that also represents a special tourist product that connects several basic features of Serbia as a destination: – Exceptional landscape – preserved nature – sound and light free space – integrated visually into the ambient whole – does not threaten the environment – low financial investments – a sustainable financial concept of integral development that drives local economic development – healthy and organically clean food and wine – an attractive space for naturalists and adventurers.
Geographical quality positioning of such campsites would enable the development of alternative forms of transport (horseback riding, cycling, hiking) as well as other forms of entertainment, recreation and rest.
European campers are happy to visit or pass through Serbia. They enjoy the beautiful landscapes, natural attractions, good and tasty food, but also the interaction with the hosts whose hospitality they never forget.
The conditions in the camps improve from season to season, and thus the awareness of those who maintain and manage them, and the number of those who see serious business opportunities in this branch is increasing.
A family business around which the entire 4 generations of one household can gather, keeps young people in the countryside and enables them to be creative, independent, fearless and above all, to live healthily and in harmony with nature, on their land.
Reasons for the development of different camp types
Development of camps
It enables the development of small, family camps with exceptional quality of service and maximum camping atmosphere. These are campsites – mini-camps in orchards, next to vineyards, on the edges of forests, in rural areas, related to rural tourism and agricultural farms, remote wild areas; Capacity up to 30 camping places
Eco camps
Enables the development of Eco Camps – camping rest areas on the edge of protected nature reserves (NP, nature parks…) – with a capacity of up to 30 camping places
Transit camps
Enables the development of transit camps – campsites – along important and major roads, at the entrances to cities on corridors 7 and 10 (Subotica, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Paraćin, Niš, Vranje) – with a capacity of up to 30 places
Development of camping parking lots
Enables the development of campsites (camping parking lots, parking lots) in large city centers – directly connected to the parking service in larger cities – specially secured camping plots during the summer season and during major events (festivals, concerts) – capacity of up to 15 camping plots
Development of campsites within medical complexes
It enables the development of campsites within the spa-treatment complexes and their connection to spa services – for seniors – with a capacity of up to 30 camping places.
Development of luxury camps
Enables the development of larger luxury camps within well-known tourist destinations (*** and ****) and enables the development of special forms of small “floating” camps on large rivers
Visit Serbia and camp here
We don’t have 4- and 5-star campsites, but we are decorated with a camping atmosphere and experience that is memorable and reminds us all of such a valuable, natural combination – the combination of man and nature. Camp on the banks of large and small rivers and lakes, but also in village orchards, on beautiful colorful and “edible” meadows, hills, hillsides, by ponds and swamps, by large and old forests, at the foot of a cave, on the sand, in the mountains…

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